
Morning sickness, appointments & other stuff

Today I knew what morning sickness means... I woke up feeling ravenous so my DH had to bring me some OJ just to calm me down and when I could get out of bed I made myself some toast and devoured it. And then I started feeling sick... goodness it was an effort to keep it in!

The bus journey didn't help, closed windows, full bus and the heating on! For goodness sake, it's only October!!! When I got off I wasn't sure I was gonna make it to work without me hurling in the street, but I managed. I came into my office, opened the window and doors and sat down to focus in breathing in and out and then it eventually started to fade away.

It was awful. I think the worst was thinking that even if I had been sick I wouldn't have got rid of the nausea. But PTL it went! Now it's lunchtime, so I'm gonna go and see what I can eat that doesn't make me hurl!

On Saturday first thing we got our first scan appointment in the post, so exciting! It's on the 31st, 4 weeks today! Can't wait! And the next day we have the first appointment with the midwife (1 hour long...) hopefully my DH will stay awake through it ;)

Can't write anymore, must go eat!


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