13 weeks 5 days
It has been a while since the last post, but not much has happened since... I have been feeling better the last couple of weeks, less nauseous and just as tired, but with a bit more energy.
I had to tell everyone at work this week as they were starting to get suspicious of my arriving late in the mornings so now everyone knows hopefully they will be a bit more understanding.
Still no news on the house, things seem to be going well, had survey done and now we are awaiting news from the morgage company... Advisor seemed to think we could be completing before Christmas! That's only 5 weeks away! So we might be moving during the holidays which would be just ideal...
I got to meet Princess Alexandra (the Queen's cousin) last week and Prince Charles this week! They came to work for one reason or another and it was very exciting. I got very nervous near the time but they were very relaxed and friendly so that made it a lot easier. Now I'd like to meet my country's royals!
P got me a laptop as a surprise and to start with I wasn't sure whether to say thank you or hit him, but he promised it wasn't expensive and he'd been saving up for it, so in the end I forgave him and said thank you... Surprises are strange things aren't they! One never knows how to react!
I'm looking forward to Christmas, mostly to get to rest and be away from work... This week it's been quite hard going so it will be nice to not have to get up early for a few days in a row.
Next scan - 20 weeks - on 6 January, can't wait for that one, should be a lot more exciting than the first one when Bernard couldn't even be bothered to move and it was over in 5 mins...
That's all for now I think.
First photograph

Here is the first photograph of our baby... at 10 weeks old!