
25 October

21 years ago my life changed forever. Although I am grateful for how God has looked after me since, has given me a lovely family of my own, provided me with a job that I enjoy (most days), given me lots of lovely friends and so on, I still don't get why such things happen. I still miss my brother and I still start shaking when I see fire a fighters truck parked anywhere near my house. 

I also worry about expressing my feelings. Too many people have the definite solution to life and are happy to tell you how you should deal with stuff or how you should be strong and get over things. I personally think there are some things you never get over but that make you just the way you are. They also give you a ground for empathy and kindness - understanding someone else's pain is not always straight forward.

There you go, I've said it. I can now live today like any other day, striving to do good and loving those around me. Whatever else happens, I know I have a hope. 


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